Work + Life Harmony | Time Management, Organization and Planning for Overwhelmed Women
Are you feeling like you're constantly juggling a million tasks, trying to keep up with the demands of work, family, and personal life? Does it seem like there just aren't enough hours in the day to get everything done?
Welcome to the Work + Life Harmony Podcast, your go-to resource for practical tips and strategies to help you navigate the challenges of modern life with grace and efficiency and darn I say it, enjoyment.
Join me, Megan Sumrell, each week as I dive deep into the world of time management, organization, and productivity specifically tailored for women like you. Whether you're a busy professional, a dedicated homemaker, or an ambitious entrepreneur, this podcast is your ultimate guide to finding harmony in the midst of life's chaos.
Through insightful interviews, real-life stories, and actionable advice, we'll explore how women from all walks of life are not just balancing their myriad responsibilities, but thriving in the process. Because let's face it: in today's fast-paced world, balance isn't always attainable. Instead, I'm focused on helping you achieve harmony – a state where you can prioritize what matters most without feeling overwhelmed or burnt out.
You'll discover how to reclaim control of your schedule, streamline your workflow, and make time for the things that bring you joy and fulfillment. No more sacrificing your own well-being or neglecting your passions – it's time to take charge of your time and skyrocket your productivity.
So if you're ready to say goodbye to the overwhelm and hello to a life filled with purpose, tune in to the Work + Life Harmony Podcast. Get ready to walk away feeling empowered and equipped to manage your time, get organized, and skyrocket your productivity!
Work + Life Harmony | Time Management, Organization and Planning for Overwhelmed Women
Goals with Soul and Redefining Your Purpose with Kate House
Are you feeling like the relentless quest for purpose and goal-setting has become another overwhelming task on your to-do list? In this conversation, I sit down with Kate House, a health coach and host of the Live by Design Podcast, to introduce a fresh perspective. Kate shares her framework for creating “Goals with Soul”—a lighter, more feminine approach to setting meaningful, achievable aspirations. Together, we explore how to ease emotional overwhelm and redefine productivity and purpose.
Kate’s message will inspire you to stop chasing external validation and instead focus on what truly lights you up. Whether you're navigating the chaos of motherhood, a career pivot, or simply longing for a bit of space to reconnect with yourself, this episode will leave you empowered to take the next right step toward your unique harmony.
What You’ll Learn in This Episode:
- The four-part framework for “Goals with Soul” and how it differs from traditional goal-setting methods.
- Why focusing on 1% changes over time can lead to lasting transformation.
- Practical tips for reducing emotional overwhelm and caring for yourself in small, sustainable ways.
- How to reframe the idea of finding your purpose, so it feels empowering—not stressful.
- The importance of aligning your goals with the current season of your life.
Connect with Kate:
- Listen to the Live by Design Podcast
- Visit her website: www.mskatehouse.com
- Follow her on Instagram: www.instagram.com/mskatehouse
- The Goals with Soul Summit: All-Access Pass
$97 value yours free with coupon code "harmony"
Access here ➡ https://mskatehouse.thinkific.com/courses/the-goals-with-soul-summit-2024-all-access-pass
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You are in the right place! Sign up for this free, on-demand training and learn how to gain control of your time no matter what life throws at you!
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Thanks for tuning in!
Megan 🩷🐝
[00:00:00] If you are a woman that feels like, people are always telling you, you need to find your purpose. You need to set those
[00:00:05] goals. And it just feels like one more stressful, overwhelming thing that you need to add to your to do list.
[00:00:12] Well, Kate today is going to really reframe that with you by sharing this concept she calls goals with soul that I think is incredibly beautiful and also reducing this unbelievable, unnecessary stress around this desire to find our purpose. So let's jump in and have this conversation.
[00:00:35] Megan: Hey everyone. Welcome back to Work Life Harmony. I have a guest today, Kate House, that I am so thrilled to have on the show. We share a lot of similarities in kind of what we like to support women with, but Kate comes at this from a very different way.
[00:00:55] Megan: So I'm excited to learn from you. Welcome to the show, Kate. I would love it if you would introduce yourself and let everyone know a little bit about you.
[00:01:02] Kate: For anybody who I haven't connected with before, I'm Kate house and I support high achieving women who have little time for themselves, set track and actually achieve their goals with soul. And I like to say, we do it with both. Confidence and clarity.
[00:01:17] Kate: Now, I was not born a unicorn that knew how to do this. It's been a journey. Yeah. I had a, a quarter life crisis about 10 years ago, right at 25 and kind of had that moment of something has to change. I woke up and I felt really unfulfilled in my life. I was, you know, oldest child, straight A student, Phi Beta Kappa in college.
[00:01:40] Kate: Right? Like I was, I got the job I was supposed to have, right. I was doing all the things. I was checking all the boxes and I was living into a lot of what I like to think of as shoulds, the things I quote should do. But it wasn't an alignment for me. And so I went through a pretty radical transformation and my hope is to help other women maybe not have to do a total 180 and instead lean into these kind of 1 percent changes over time.
[00:02:06] Kate: And so that's kind of the heart of what I do is supporting women in living by design and not by default.
[00:02:12] Megan: Oh, that's so wonderful. And I love you say the 1 percent changes. I think we often fall, into this trap of thinking, well, in order to make a change, like it's gotta be everything. Right. And that's not sustainable, realistic.
[00:02:25] Megan: The thought of it just makes me go no way. Now I know you talk a lot about having goals with soul. What does that
[00:02:32] Kate: mean? So I created this framework as a result of my experiences over the last 10 years, I realized that When I was 25, the goals I was pursuing were they just weren't mine. They were the things I thought I was supposed to do, but they didn't leave me feeling fulfilled at the end of the day on the flip side, I was having like stress nightmares about my work email crashing, I was like, there's gotta be.
[00:02:56] Kate: More to life than this. And so for me, a goal with soul, it's four things and I like to think of it as it's a little different. We've all learned about smart goals. Absolutely. There's a time and place for them, but I think they come from, yeah, it's kind
[00:03:09] Megan: of snoozefest, right? It's corporate. Yeah.
[00:03:11] Kate: And it's corporate.
[00:03:12] Kate: It, it's very masculine, I think. Yes. And I think hundred percent. Right. And for us women who are maybe moving through a season of overwhelm or we're a high achiever doing all the things, but we're like, gosh, if I miss one day, all the balls I keep in the air are going to fall. Right. And so I wanted a system where we could set goals that we can continue to pursue even amidst the fullness of our lives.
[00:03:33] Kate: So to me, a goal is sold. The first part of it is it's aspirational. So future Megan, future Kate. She's totally got this. She's like, no problem. I could do this without a doubt. Current Kate, maybe it gives her like a little bit of butterflies. Like James Clear talks in Atomic Habits about setting goals that are 4 percent outside of our comfort zone.
[00:03:55] Kate: And so It's aspirational. It's 4 percent out of your comfort zone. It's not so far out of your comfort zone that you're going to feel overwhelmed and never get started. It's just enough that you get to grow in the pursuit of it. So for example, right now, my goal with Solas, I'm writing my first book. And my current goal of SOL is the first draft.
[00:04:14] Kate: Because if I think about the whole process, like that will keep me stuck and overwhelmed and procrastination. And so instead draft one. Well,
[00:04:23] Megan: and I like that you're talking about, I think just the fact that you are framing the first draft as a goal, whereas most people would say, The published book is the goal.
[00:04:36] Megan: The first draft is a step towards there. But I love that you're even saying no, we're defining even that as a goal, not a step that's, that's part of another goal that does feel a lot bigger. Even that subtle shift is really good.
[00:04:51] Kate: Yeah, it's just that subtle mindset shift and then it gives you permission to celebrate yourself along the way.
[00:04:56] Kate: Right? And then we get something I like to call my coaching practice success momentum, right? So we get that first win. We get the first draft done, get to celebrate it. We feel successful. And then we move on to, you know, the editing phase or whatever the case might be for your personal goal with soul.
[00:05:11] Kate: So the first part of our goal is, well, it's aspirational. On the flip side of that, our goal with SOLE is attainable. And by that, I mean, if you show up consistently for the next six months, for the next year, you can do it. You don't have to have it done yesterday, which most of us high achievers are like, I want it done.
[00:05:29] Kate: And I want it done yesterday. But we have to have some flexibility in our lives. You know, before we hit record, Meg and I were both like, Oh, this is a great day. All of our kids are healthy. You know, the dogs are healthy and created. We can have this conversation in the quiet, right? Yeah. But that's not always the case.
[00:05:43] Kate: Sometimes we have days where, you know, the kids wake up with a fever or somebody has a tummy bug, right? And all of a sudden your day feels very different than before. And so I think a goal with soul it's attainable because we're consistently working towards it over time. And so I like to say like more days than not is something I've learned on my journey.
[00:06:02] Kate: And so it doesn't have to be. Every single day, if you have a day, you wake up and you're like, Oh man, stuff is hitting the fan. Like that's okay. We're just, I love that idea
[00:06:10] Megan: of more days than not, instead of it has to be five days or it has to be four days, just more days than not.
[00:06:16] Kate: Yeah. Right. It's so freeing.
[00:06:18] Kate: And then it gives you that flexibility for the days when you're like, Oh man, like we have a grandparent we help care for who's in failing health. Right. And so if you have a day where you're like, this person needs me, of course I'm going to be there. Of course. And so if that means. The work I was going to do on my book today gets pushed off until tomorrow, and I wake up a little extra early to get it in.
[00:06:37] Kate: That's totally fine. So, our goal is soul. It's aspirational. It's attainable. I think one of the most important parts is the part, the third part, it's meaningful. And I like to kind of jokingly say you can't spell meaningful without the word me. But, For me, this was the part of the goal setting process.
[00:06:53] Kate: It's not about other people, right? Exactly! This was the part I was missing for the first 25 years of my life. It was like, I can set a goal and I, I knew if I just, if I just kept working towards it, I can get it done, right? But then I didn't feel great because it wasn't meaningful for me. And so that is the most important part.
[00:07:13] Kate: So for me right now, writing a book Feels exciting. It feels meaningful. It's the culmination of a lot of years of work I've put into this. Right. But you may be listening to this and you're like, gosh, Kate, you know, I'm in a season of life where I finally have a little extra time for myself that I've carved out.
[00:07:28] Kate: And I haven't done something just for fun in years. Most women have not, sadly. Exactly. So your goal to sell might be learning an instrument. It might be learning how to crochet. It might be picking up a hobby you had as a kid that you absolutely loved. And you're like, gosh, I haven't painted or drawn something in 30 years.
[00:07:47] Kate: Or read a book
[00:07:48] Megan: that wasn't to self improve or do better at work or be a better mom or better, whatever, like just for pleasure.
[00:07:55] Kate: Just for fun. I started reading books for fun. Again, I'm a voracious reader, but I was reading all the self help books, right? All the personal growth books. And so I started this thing a couple of years ago.
[00:08:04] Kate: I called them buffer books. And I was like, okay, in between growth oriented books. I'm just going to read a book for fun, like just for fun. And now I love those books so much that those are primarily what I read. Yes. And it brings me so much joy. So your goal is soul. It is meaningful to you personally.
[00:08:21] Kate: And so you don't have to justify it to anybody. Nobody else needs to get it. And maybe your goal is soul. Like if you have people in your life who are maybe a little bit of a Debbie Downer, like, You don't have to tell them, you know, like you can keep that goal in your heart or share it with your partner or your best friend or your parent, but it's okay.
[00:08:41] Kate: You don't have to share it with the whole world, right?
[00:08:43] Megan: It's for you. This isn't about achieving something for
[00:08:45] Kate: others. Exactly. It's all about, it's about shifting from external validation to internal validation. And so, so we're aspirational, we're attainable, we're meaningful. And the final piece, and I think this is so important for us women, especially those of us who are Moving through a season of overwhelm is, it's seasonally appropriate.
[00:09:04] Kate: And I don't mean like, we're recording this in the fall. Like, I mean like, what season of life are you in? Like, this season right now, for example, I can pursue the first draft of my book because for the first time ever, I have a kindergartner and a first grader, which means my kids are at school during the day.
[00:09:22] Kate: Prior to that, I had one home with me or two home with me. I was a stay at home mom for many years. And so. Writing a book in that season, I just would have felt frustrated. I would have felt defeated. I would have felt like I was quote falling behind because I didn't have the capacity, the time capacity, the mental capacity, the emotional capacity.
[00:09:41] Megan: when I kind of ties back into your attainable, right, this is attainable, but maybe not this year. Yeah. I'm keeping that on the. backburner for, you know, a different season of life.
[00:09:53] Kate: Absolutely. And it's, and that is okay to do. I think sometimes we feel like, you know, if I don't do this now, it's never going to happen.
[00:09:59] Kate: We've been like told this narrative and it's like, no, it's okay. Like you can put a pin in it, write it down, like literally write it down or like mentally put it on a shelf and be like, I'm going to come back to you when. I work through this health issue when my, my parents are healthier, right? When my kids are in school, when I don't have a newborn or whatever the case might be, it doesn't have to be for forever.
[00:10:22] Kate: And so that's kind of my structure for a goal as well. Aspirational attainable, meaningful and seasonally appropriate. And I think that just supports us women in such a. I don't know. Just in a more abundant and, and heartfelt way. It's
[00:10:37] Megan: more feminine. It feels less heavy. It's a much lighter way. Goal setting can feel heavy and also very overwhelming, right?
[00:10:46] Megan: We hear that. It's like, Oh my gosh. And you know, when I'm, when I'm working with women on that, we're having a call, I, what pains me is when someone will be like, well, I feel like my goals aren't big enough. And to your point, like, this isn't about anybody else but yourself, right? And so one of the things that I think we both hear a lot of women talking about, which you brought up as well, is the overwhelm, right?
[00:11:08] Megan: And so when it comes to supporting overwhelmed women, I take it more of that very pragmatic step by step approach. Here's how we can get out of overwhelm. But you talk a lot about, you know, Emotional overwhelm, which is very different than the never ending task list that when you cross something off, you add three more, right?
[00:11:26] Megan: That's more that physical, easy to see, tangible. What do you mean by emotional overwhelm? And then how do we work through that? What are the signs? Maybe you're dealing with that. Yeah.
[00:11:37] Kate: Oh, I love this question, Megan. So I think emotional overwhelm can happen when we are pouring so much of ourselves into our families, into our careers, if you choose to have one into volunteering or caring for others, whatever it looks like, I mean, get to the end of the day and we're like, gosh, one, I'm exhausted too.
[00:11:55] Kate: I can't actually tell you what I did today. I'm exhausted, but I know I did a lot and I can't put a finger on what it is. Yeah, exactly. And that's a frustrating place to be. And you're so tired that you're like, you know, you hear that saying, like, you can't pour from an empty cup and you're like, I am so empty.
[00:12:09] Kate: I can't even think about filling it up, right? Like that is too much effort. And so I'm a holistically trained health coach. And I think a lot of this comes from A lack of caring for ourselves and I don't mean self care like did you take a bubble bath or did you do a face mask? Like yeah, you know, no like I'm talking about like did you drink water?
[00:12:28] Kate: Like are you getting enough sleep? Right? Are you moving your body not because you want to look a certain way but because you want to feel a certain way like As I'm, as we're recording this, my desk, I'm sitting right now, but it's a sit, stand desk. And I have a little walking pad. And so this morning I was editing some podcast episodes and I walked two miles.
[00:12:47] Kate: They were slow miles, but I feel really good afterwards. Right. And so I like to think about this emotional overwhelm of like, how are you caring for yourself? And I get the example of the walking pad, because how can we layer these, these practices of just taking care of baseline needs. In a way that doesn't add to your overwhelm, but helps you feel better.
[00:13:08] Kate: So I have like a giant mason jar of water right here, and I always have a drink with me. I'm always drinking water, right? And that literally helps me feel better. If I feel really sluggish one day, maybe I stand at my desk while I do some of my work, and that actually helps me feel energized. And it's these kind of, like we talked about before, these one degree shifts.
[00:13:30] Kate: And how can we feel like 1 percent better make this one degree shift so that we're caring for ourselves, not, not just as an afterthought at the end of the day, but throughout the day in these, in these small, sustainable ways.
[00:13:46] Megan: know, if you're listening and you're at a stage of life where you're home with younger kids or, you know, even dinnertime, I even found myself years ago, truly, like when you're talking about, you know, we always take in the leftovers where more days than not lunch or breakfast was literally the leftovers off my kid's plate.
[00:14:04] Megan: And I realized one day I'm like, this needs to stop. I'm not putting any thought around what I'm putting in my mouth. I'm. I'm literally taking leftovers for a couple meals a day. And so I think even just that, right, if you're fixing a plate of food for a family member, take the extra two minutes and fix the separate plate of food for yourself for the things that, you know, Nourish your body and not just grabbing the, the crumbs off of plates, but we just, it's, it's easy.
[00:14:34] Megan: It's
[00:14:34] Kate: quick. It's one less thing,
[00:14:36] Megan: right?
[00:14:36] Kate: Yeah, totally. And I think that is another one of those little shifts that just reminds us like you are worthy of caring for yourself, right? Like you don't literally have to eat the crumbs. It's like, as you share that, my brain immediately goes to like, The half a peanut butter sandwich that my son always leaves on his plate, you know, and it's like, well, do you actually want to eat that?
[00:14:58] Megan: Yeah. Yeah. Oh my goodness. Now I know part of the work that you do is helping women really find their purpose. And I've seen a lot of interesting books about this. Some people call it your North star. And before the, before we started recording, I was sharing there is a, a sitcom show that we watched for years called the middle at very, I think it's a great show.
[00:15:22] Megan: And there was even an episode there where they were at church and the, the pastor was talking about the need to, find your purpose, find your business. And so the mom of the family goes in a tailspin. Of course, the dad was like, I've got my purpose. I'm good. Well, she goes in a tailspin of like.
[00:15:37] Megan: Oh my gosh, I haven't found my purpose. Right. And the whole episode, she's trying one thing after another in a jewelry making business and this, that, and helping this person doing that on this quest to find her purpose. And I see this come up in conversations sometimes on our monthly live coaching calls as well, where even just in the process of trying to find a personal goal to work towards women don't even know where to start.
[00:16:00] Megan: Cause they're like, our purpose. And I know I, I had a very pivotal day where I felt realized my entire purpose. In my life at that moment was in service to others. It was playing roles, being an employee, being a mom, being a caregiver, you know, all of these other things. So I think for a lot of women, this idea of finding our purpose or our North star, whatever people are calling it, feels like one more super stressful to do thing.
[00:16:25] Megan: to have on our list. Are we overthinking it? What does, what does this look like in your line of work and how you help women there?
[00:16:33] Kate: Yes. Well, I love that. Right. Am I overthinking it? Like, gosh, how often do we overthink things all day long, all day long? So I'm world class at it. Yeah. So what if it gets to be simple?
[00:16:43] Kate: And what if we can take, I like to think of like, visually, like sometimes we put purpose up on a pedestal but what if we take it off the pedestal and we're like, how can we just make this part of who I am? And so I like to think of purpose as A number of things.
[00:16:58] Kate: One, you can have more than one purpose. Sometimes we think we have to have this one.
[00:17:02] Megan: Right? I know, and it's stressful. I was even having a conversation with a gal on my team the other day because I was listening to a podcast about purpose. I'm like, I really gotta find my purpose. I'm like, oh my gosh, it sounds so hard.
[00:17:12] Kate: It sounds so, it's so stressful. And I think, like, I think we can totally rewrite this. And so, like, one, permission giving. You can have more than one purpose. Us, us as, I think as women especially. We can be talented at so many different things, right? And so you might have one sense of purpose and one season of life and maybe it shifts in the future and that's okay.
[00:17:31] Kate: Maybe you have more than one sense of purpose and you pursue both at the same time. That's awesome too. And sometimes like For me, I had this like light bulb moment when I had my quarter life crisis of like something has to change but not all Of us get this light bulb moment. Sometimes it's like a sunrise.
[00:17:47] Kate: It's like this slow kind of awakening and dawning So just know friend like if this takes time for you, like I think that's actually really healthy That's like it can be a really good thing and I like to think of purpose as something that Requires action, but not perfect action, right? So many of us, we want to try something new or we're going to pursue something and we want to be amazing at it immediately, which is just not, I mean, perfect is an illusion.
[00:18:14] Kate: Like it's one of the mantras I do with my kids on the way to school every day, right? It can be, it can, it can give us a, it can be a guiding light, but when you start something new or you're trying something, you're approaching it. You're not going to be great at it. And that's okay. We're just taking kind of like messy action.
[00:18:31] Kate: And the reason I like taking action is because action creates clarity. And so you might not quite know what your purpose is, but you're like, you know, I've identified some core values. It's It's community, it's being a, a leader and it's, it's loving myself well. And so then you can start to think about, well, what are some things I can actually do in my life that support those things and go try them.
[00:18:56] Kate: And sometimes you try something and you're like, that was great. I totally want to keep learning and leaning into that. Or you might try something and you're like, actually, or no, and sometimes that's even more helpful, but either way it gives you clarity. And I think that's, to me. Living by design, pursuing these goals with soul, it takes action and action is what gets us clarity.
[00:19:19] Kate: And then repeated action over time is what helps us grow that confidence muscle. And so even though, here's an example. So when I had my quarter life crisis, I was like, I can't keep working this nine to five. My soul is dying. And so I became a yoga teacher and the imposter syndrome or the like, You know, the inner critic in me was like, what are you doing?
[00:19:41] Kate: Like, you just finished this four year degree and now you're going to go be a yoga teacher? Like, what will people think? Right? And I had to be like, thank you. But like, please be quiet. I'm going to do this anyways. And I became a yoga teacher and I taught yoga and I managed a studio for a number of years.
[00:19:55] Kate: Now, am I still a yoga teacher? No, I don't actively teach yoga right now, but was that a really important part of my journey? Where in hindsight I can say like, Oh, I became a yoga teacher and then I became a holistic health coach. And then I started my podcast and now I host summits and I have coaching and I'm writing a book.
[00:20:14] Kate: They, they all connect. And so,
[00:20:16] Megan: yeah.
[00:20:17] Kate: Right. And so I think a lot of times. I love
[00:20:19] Megan: that. You're painting such a beautiful picture of. There doesn't have to be the known end destination, and that's all we're at. And I'm, I'm even thinking back, you know, I, I thought my path out of corporate life was co-founding a software company, which I did back, you know, several years ago only to discover that was not it.
[00:20:41] Kate: But
[00:20:42] Megan: what I took from that, what we learned from that, all of that, I would not be here at the Pink Bee without that. And so, what I thought my purpose was then is, is not the same as now, but I don't think I ever thought of it as a purpose either. But in looking back, I'm like, oh no, I think, I think there was that calling, that desire to go deeper.
[00:21:02] Megan: Do something. And maybe we can just focus on that and not exactly the one. Here it is for the rest of your life. This is the only reason you are here. You must do this thing forever
[00:21:13] Kate: because the thing I think about being human is that we get to grow and change over time. And so to me, when I think about purpose, the question I'm actually asking myself is, What is the next right step?
[00:21:24] Kate: Because if I were to think, if, if 25 year old me had sat down and was like, in 10 years, I want to be doing X, Y, and Z. Oh my gosh, talk about overwhelm. I would have never started. I would have been like, you're crazy. I, I don't know how to do that. Like, that wouldn't have been in that, aspirational attainable zone for me, right?
[00:21:42] Kate: But training to be a yoga teacher, getting all the weird words out of my mouth so that I could actually teach a class well, that I could do, right? And so, and the cool thing is, is as you look back, like through my yoga teaching career, I learned how to command a room and have presence and, and teach and speak not always eloquently, but, you know, I could get the words out and then I brought that forward into my coaching and connecting with people, right?
[00:22:10] Kate: And then all of a sudden I was like, you know, I have it on my heart to start a podcast. And I'm like, well, gosh, I've been talking in a room constantly. I'm the only one talking for years. So like I can talk to myself at the computer. Sure. You know, and you just, you take each, you can look back and I think it's a way to of redefining what we think might be a quote failure and said, it's, it's a way of failing forward.
[00:22:32] Kate: It's a way of looking back and saying like, yeah, just step on
[00:22:36] Megan: there. What I love about all, all three of these, the goals with soul thinking about emotional overwhelm. And our purpose is that all of these. are bringing to light that women really, we, we deserve and we need to carve out and prioritize time and space.
[00:22:56] Megan: That's just about us, right? All of those things are just about us, not the roles that we play and what we're doing for others. And it's something I know I am constantly reminding myself on, right? And this is why even when I teach my planning processes. It's why very early in the planning stages or when we're doing our weekly planning is the things for you go on your calendar before we fill it up with all the stuff that we are doing in service to other people.
[00:23:25] Megan: So I just think that the message that you're putting out there in the work that you're doing with women is, Is very transformational and it is really needed in a time right now when, you know, women in particular are just taking on more and more and more, which usually means the more we add on what's being pushed out the back end is all this stuff for ourselves.
[00:23:45] Megan: Right.
[00:23:46] Kate: I get like goosebumps as you share that, right? Because like, yeah, we just forget to care for ourselves. And in the same way that you teach, like putting yourself on the calendar, I've taken that to like this next level. Cause now with both my kids in school, so I drive them to school, their school's about 20 minutes away.
[00:24:02] Kate: And I live in the small town where I went to college. And so I can use their gym as an Alma mater, which is like, Hilarious because I'm working out with like 18 year olds and I'm like, Oh, I thought I was so old when I was at your stage in life and now I'm like, Oh, you're such a baby. But I go and, and I, I, I work out and sometimes that workout is like, I'm just going to do a really gentle walk on the treadmill, but I have this kind of time carved out for myself at the beginning of my day.
[00:24:26] Kate: And it's not 5am, right? This is like 830, nine o'clock in the morning. And I carve that out and I don't, I don't open myself up for meetings until 11am. And that way I can have that time for myself because I know personally, if I don't pour into myself and movement for me, just, it's like medicine. It's so, it's just the thing that works for me.
[00:24:45] Kate: For somebody else, it might be meditating. It might be prayer. It might be, and it might be something at midday or in the evening, it can be whatever, you know,
[00:24:53] Megan: works for you.
[00:24:55] Kate: Then I make that time for yourself and, and to have some flexibility, right? Like there, there are many days when it doesn't happen the way you think it's going to, and that's okay too, but more days than that, we just keep showing up for ourselves and then, then we can show up for others from just such a more abundant place.
[00:25:12] Megan: Oh, so beautiful. Kate, where can people connect with you to learn more about Goals with Soul and all of this amazing work that you're doing?
[00:25:21] Kate: Oh, thank you, Megan. Yes. So, the number one place to find me is over on my podcast, the Live by Design podcast. Megan's a guest upcoming, so be sure to come check out our episode together.
[00:25:30] Kate: I am so excited. For that, for that conversation. So the live by design podcast, cause it's all about living life by design and not by default. And then everywhere else I'm at miss Kate house. There's another Kate house out there. She beat me to everything. So I'm Ms. Kate house, just like a house on Instagram.
[00:25:46] Kate: It's my website. And I would love to, to give your community. I hosted the goals with soul summit. And. in spring of 2024. And I'd love to give you guys a special coupon code so you can get the all access pass for free. Yeah. Okay. We'll put all that info in the
[00:26:00] Megan: show notes
[00:26:01] Kate: for everybody. So you can go
[00:26:02] Megan: grab that there.
[00:26:03] Kate: Perfect. Yeah. So I'd love to get that to everybody. It's just, and they're all podcast episodes because I know we're women, we have full schedules. We're doing a lot. So put it in your earbud. Listen to the episodes that resonate with you. And, and here's the thing too, when it comes to overwhelm, grab the all access pass and don't expect yourself to listen to every episode.
[00:26:22] Kate: There's 24 in there. Just pick the top two or three that resonate with you. Trust that you're going to hear what you need. And that's a beautiful thing, right? Don't make this another thing on the proverbial to do list. Absolutely.
[00:26:34] Megan: Oh, beautiful.
[00:26:35] Kate: Thank you so much for being here today. We really appreciate it.